Philosophy Means & Meaning | Brand vs branding | Logo vs identity | Branding & Identity

APPROACH: The ultimate goal is to define a unique category within a larger established one; something your company or product (when I say “product” I’m also including services) can own and be associated with exclusively. And that something works best when it’s a “why”—the reason you do/make/sell/love what you do.

APPROACH: Working directly with business owners, entrepreneurs, and top executives is the only way to instill the importance of branding and how it will affect their business and become an essential theme throughout the branding process.

APPROACH: The unique, memorable visual triggers I’m looking for in a logo almost design themselves the more I know about the company or product. The initial goal during the creative process is to discover a singular image that imparts as much meaning as possible into the simplest form, and not to waste energy trying to provide as many options as possible during the creative process as is typical with agencies.
Branding and Identity are allies and are weakened without the other. Branding without skillful identity design will appear unfinished and cheap, while identity without thoughtful branding will feel superficial and uncommitted.

APPROACH: The story we’re looking for can be as succinct as the inspiration for your company or product (the “why”), or as elaborate as how they might change our perceptions. A story is essentially a means of positioning your company or product so that people can relate to it on a deeper and more direct way. Typically, a company or product’s story will come out of the discover process for the logo, potentially connecting the two for years to come.